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Hashing and Indexing


Imagine a rule engine that processes transactions and applies various rules based on transaction properties like type and amount.


  • Rule 1: If the transaction is a "refund" and the amount is greater than $1000, flag for review.
  • Rule 2: If the transaction is a "purchase" and the amount is less than $50, apply a discount.
  • Rule 3: If the transaction is an "international transfer", perform currency conversion.

Using HashSet and Indexing for Efficient Rule Processingโ€‹

To efficiently process these rules, you can index them based on the transaction type. A HashSet or similar data structure can be used for quick lookups.


Index Creationโ€‹

  • Create a mapping of transaction types to rules
  • For each transaction type, you maintain a HashSet of rules applicable to that type

Rule Matchingโ€‹

  • When a transaction comes in, you first determine its type.
  • Then, look up the set of rules associated with this type.
  • Iterate through this set and apply each rule to the transaction.

Example Code Structureโ€‹

class Rule {
String type;
Predicate<Transaction> condition;
Action action;

Map<String, HashSet<Rule>> ruleIndex = new HashMap<>();

// Populate the index
ruleIndex.put("refund", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(rule1)));
ruleIndex.put("purchase", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(rule2)));
ruleIndex.put("international transfer", new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(rule3)));

// Function to process a transaction
void processTransaction(Transaction transaction) {
String type = transaction.getType();
HashSet<Rule> applicableRules = ruleIndex.get(type);

if (applicableRules != null) {
for (Rule rule : applicableRules) {
if (rule.condition.test(transaction)) {


  • Data Structures: The ruleIndex is a HashMap where each key is a transaction type, and the value is a HashSet of rules. This structure allows for quick retrieval of rules based on transaction type.
  • Process Flow: When a transaction needs to be processed, the engine quickly identifies the subset of rules that apply to that transactionโ€™s type, thus avoiding the need to evaluate every rule against every transaction.


In rule engines, this approach of using hash-based structures and indexing significantly improves efficiency, especially when dealing with a large number of rules. It ensures that only a relevant subset of rules is considered for each transaction, reducing the computational overhead.